Saturday 6 March 2010

first post, what I know already about where I want to be in Animation

i am looking for the right compony for me. To do this i will start monitoring them over time, keep track of the ones i think i would like to work for. for now i am most interested in finding a job as an animator in the games industry. Possibly an FMV artist and in game artist for characters.
I enjoy animating characters in 3D, i would like to develop my modeling skills, but for now getting my animating skills up to par are what i have in mind for the rest of the year.
For now, i will make posts on some of the companies i will be looking at. Companies such as Frontier development, Ubi Soft, ID software, EA Games, activision, eidos, valve.
i will update whenever i see something interesting worth mentioning such as mergers, new job openings etc. for instance, I did find out recently that Eidos is a subsidiary of square Enix. So this may open up many new opportunities for my career simply because of association